Dear Interested Parties:

The Department of Health, Health Systems Quality Assurance, is accepting applications to fill two Professional Member vacancies on the Dental Hygiene Examining Committee. We are looking for public-spirited people who are willing to study the issues and to make decisions in the public’s best interest.

We strive for diversity in our board, commission and committee members. We recognize the value that variety brings in understanding and serving the people of Washington State. We seek candidates with diverse backgrounds and those who provide geographic representation throughout the state.

 The Dental Hygiene Examining Committee consists of five members appointed by the Secretary of Health. The committee includes four practicing dental hygienists and one public member. Each dental hygiene professional member must be licensed in Washington State. These members must have been actively practicing dental hygiene for at least five years immediately before appointment. They cannot have connections with any dental hygiene school. The public member cannot have any connections with any dental hygiene program or be engaged in any practice or business related to dental hygiene.

 The Dental Hygiene Examining Committee meets about three times per year. Historically, meetings have been scheduled on Fridays in February, June, and October. The Dental Hygiene Examining Committee operates under the legislative mandate to protect the health and safety of the public by ensuring dental hygienists are competent and able to provide high-quality healthcare.

 If you are interested in applying for an appointment to the Dental Hygiene Examining Committee as a professional member, please go to our website and complete the application online at

Applications, along with a current resume must be submitted by August 30, 2019.

We appreciate your consideration of this request. If you have any questions about serving on the Dental Hygiene Examining Committee, please contact me at 360-236-4843 or


CHA Washington