We are proud to share valuable resources from across Washington state tailored to support the Latino community. Our aim is to connect individuals and families with opportunities, services, and tools hosted from incredible organizations across Washington state. Together, we can build stronger, more vibrant communities!

  • Casa Latina’s mission is to advance the power of Latino immigrants through educational and economic opportunities. Our programs are unique in that they combine direct services with community organizing, helping Latino immigrants meet their immediate needs and become key spokespeople in the fight to build a more equitable future for all immigrants.

  • Since 1996, CIELO has provided hope to immigrants and refugees in Thurston, Lewis, and Mason counties. Our diverse staff knows the challenge of settling into a new land because many have done it themselves. CIELO offers educational, counseling, and advocacy services that empower our community members to realize their dreams.  CIELO is more than just a resource center. We are a community hub where people form strong bonds with other immigrants and refugees, our staff, and volunteers who make our work possible.

  • Clark County Volunteer Lawyers Association: Free civil legal aid for low income people in Clark County, Washington. Learn about our services, advocacy efforts, and fundraising opportunities. Low income clients with criminal matters are guaranteed public defenders if they cannot afford an attorney.

    The same is not true for clients experiencing civil legal issues (like divorce, custody, or evictions). We aim to uphold the purpose of the law by empowering low income clients to truly utilize the justice system effectively. The nature and depth of our work has grown over the years, but our priority continues to be ensuring equitable access to justice for everyone in our community.

  • Colectiva Legal del Pueblo is a non-hierarchal collective organization founded for and by undocumented immigrants working to build community leadership and power for migrant justice through legal advocacy and education. Colectiva Legal del Pueblo provides a wide variety of direct legal services to fight deportations and keep families together including, but not limited to, free and low-cost legal representation.

  • Entre Hermanos came into being by the initiative of a group of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Latinos/as that saw the need for social, educational, and health support services in their community in the spring of 1991. By December of 1992, the group was organized and carried out various activities to raise funds to cover its operating costs. These activities were done in cooperation with the Washington Latino AIDS Coalition, a group affiliated with People of Color against AIDS (POCAAN).

    In April of 1993, the group functioned independently, directing several activities for the community. That year, Entre Hermanos affiliated itself with POCAAN, a nonprofit organization the offers prevention and educational services against HIV/AIDS for people of color. In May of the same year, we held our first contest to elect a Latina Queen. That same summer, we incorporated a lesbian group and participated for the first time in Seattle’s LGBT Pride Parade.

    Toward the end of 2001, we received a charter by the State of Washington to operate as a nonprofit organization, through the corporate status offered by IRS Section 501(C)3. Since then, we continue to grow, thanks to our personnel, Board of Directors, volunteer corps, and educational and recreational activities. Looking forward to our 34th year of service to the Latino LGBTQ community, we continue marching into the future, always progressing and offering more services far and wide to Latinos in the State of Washington.

  • The Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber (HMC) exists to create opportunities and grow the Latino community’s wealth and assets by investing in its community’s entrepreneurial spirit; supporting its future generations’ access to higher education; and preparing its emerging leaders to succeed in their careers and in the communities at large. Ultimately, we aim to advance our vision of Latinos prospering and contributing as business owners and industry leaders in an inclusive and robust economy.

  • Hood River Latino Network: Since we started this project in February 2017, we dreamed of having an office with the resources to help our people. We began Hood River Latino Network as a reaction to the injustices faced by our people who work in the fields, with almost no one to defend them or fight for their rights. It is important to note that this would not have been possible without the support of sister organizations. Our mission is rooted in social justice, and we are unwavering in our dedication to defending the most vulnerable. We stand as advocates, activists, and allies, using our collective power to create a more equitable and inclusive society.

  • For the last 16 years, the success of the Latino Civic Alliance is serving our communities, and believe that working together creates positive change. We advocate for local leadership that improves our communities and builds strong leaders and meaningful partnerships throughout the state. 

  • Latino Leadership Northwest (LLNW) opens doors for Latinx youth, helping them build strong friendships, take charge of their education and accomplish work they’re proud of. One way they do this is through their Mariposas Internship Program. Paid interns develop and hone helpful skills through partnerships with local professionals and by doing impactful work for the organization. We create opportunities for Latino youth to build healthy relationships, advocate for their education, and become proud of the work they do.

  • Latino Community Fund of Washington State (LCF) provides free and unbiased counseling to over 1,200 individuals each year, helping connect underrepresented communities to health care related resources.

    Since it began, LCF has invested over $500,000 in community grants and scholarships to improve education, economic empowerment, arts, civic engagement, environmental justice and health in our communities.

  • Latino Community Resource Group: Knowing the challenges first-hand, a few Latiné folks put their heads together to figure out how to provide access and raise awareness about services and resources that would help their community. They invited community members to attend a resource fair, held in the parking lot of Latino-owned “Tienda De Leon” on Fourth Plain Blvd. 50 people attended, so they did it again the next year. Nearly two decades later, this once-small event has grown into the Multicultural Resource Fair. The fair now provides options for many underrepresented communities in Clark County, including the Latiné community it was created to serve. This year’s gathering featured more than 50 nonprofits, businesses and community groups that provide assistance across many sectors, including education and employment services.

  • The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the largest and oldest Hispanic organization in the United States, founded in 1929. LULAC is growing in the Pacific Northwest where the changing demographics call for grassroots organization in order to effectively address local, state, and regional issues. Through the power of organizing and collaborating, community leaders come together to continue the legacy of those before us who defined Latino history of this country.

  • Lutheran Community Services Northwest: We offer services without regard to race, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, religious belief, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, marital status, ability, military or veteran status, source of income or political affiliation. We help vulnerable children, families, refugees and others meet life’s most difficult challenges and thrive in communities that are healthy, just and hopeful. Lutheran Community Services Northwest take privacy and confidentiality very seriously. It is important to us that our clients feel safe coming to us for services and trusting us with their information. 

    Refugee & Immigrant Services: We equip refugees and immigrants with the skills, resources and support they need to live fulfilling lives. We offer mental health counseling in different languages, help them learn English, find a place to live and work, gain citizenship, and become productive members in their Northwest communities. Our multicultural staff speak many different languages. Many are refugees and immigrants themselves. We provide affordable legal services to gain legal immigration status.

  • Mi Centro: We are a community-based non-profit that works with the Latino and Indigenous native families through our educational programs, crisis intervention, family outreach services, arts & culture programming, and advocacy efforts that concern our families and our community. To cultivate the advancement of the Latino and Indigenous communities by providing social services and educational programming while honoring our heritage and culture through the arts.

  • Northwest Immigrant Rights Project promotes justice by defending and advancing the rights of immigrants through direct legal services, systemic advocacy, and community education. Northwest Immigrant Rights Project strives for justice and equity for all persons, regardless of where they were born. Because NWIRP receives approximately 1,500 inquiries for services per week, we are unable to serve every request. Eligibility requirements can change depending on the caseload of our attorneys, demand for services, and activity in the immigration community around the country.

  • Northwest Justice Project (NJP) is Washington’s largest publicly funded legal aid program. Each year NJP provides critical civil legal assistance and representation to thousands of low-income people in cases affecting basic human needs such as family safety and security, housing preservation, protection of income, access to health care, education and other basic needs.  

    NJP operates a toll-free intake and referral hotline called CLEAR (Coordinated Legal Education Advice and Referral). CLEAR serves as the statewide, centralized point of access for clients seeking free legal help, including advice, education, limited legal services, self-help materials and, where available, referrals to other legal aid and local volunteer lawyer programs. CLEAR also refers cases to NJP offices around the state, where attorneys provide assistance and direct representation in high priority, complex cases, including cases that address barriers to accessing our justice system as well as engage in community education efforts.  

  • Pasitos Gigantes supports individuals and families with disabilities by providing language access and support for therapies, special education, medical treatment, mental health services and more. The organization was founded to aid Hispanic individuals and families living in Clark County who live with the intersecting challenges of discrimination and ableism. We offer support to those who need help to navigate state and federal services, and advocacy at different levels.

  • Tacoma Community House is a nationally-respected, community-based service center for immigrants, refugees, and long-time South Sound residents seeking enrichment and pathways to self-sufficiency. For 110 years, we have helped countless individuals gain the skills they need to transition out of poverty, navigate a new culture, and find personal and professional success.

  • Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network (WAISN): We are the largest immigrant justice network in Washington that convenes and cultivates a statewide transnational solidarity coalition to protect and advance the power and rights of all immigrant and refugee communities. As a queer and transgender founded and led nonprofit, we organize from a place of abundance and commit to intersectional, multifaith, intergenerational, multi-lingual, multiracial, multiethnic immigrant-led efforts by investing in base building and growing the leadership of forced migrants.

  • King County Access and Outreach Program has a variety of resources to support undocumented residents living in the county. These resources are local, state and federal programs and resources: Health insurance, public health services, resources in Spanish/English, WIC nutrition programs, and more) . The criteria and requirements are explained on each website.

Ferry, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, and Stevens Counties

  • Homeless Resources provides households with a single destination to access services that help them stay in their homes or quickly exit homelessness. Homeless Resources connects households that are experiencing or at risk of homelessness with housing and case management services offered by Catholic Charities and our partner agencies in Spokane County.

    Counties Served: Spokane County

    Service Categories: Housing & Economic Support

    Website: https://www.cceasternwa.org/homeless-resources

  • The International Rescue Committee provides opportunities for refugees, asylees, victims of human trafficking, survivors of torture, and immigrants seeking citizenship to thrive in America.

    Resettlement: Meeting the basic needs for food, shelter, and legal rights in the early, critical stages of resettlement

    Economic Empowerment: Protecting, supporting, and improving household livelihoods and financial security

    Community Integration and Development: Strengthening communities and preparing individuals to participate fully in American society

    Health and Wellness: Promoting wellness and ensuring access to healthcare services that address physical and psychological needs

    Children, Youth and Education: Providing educational and developmental opportunities that build the essential academic, personal, and social skills needed to succeed.

    Counties Served: Spokane, Lincoln, Ferry, Stevens, Pend Oreille, Whitman, Adams and surrounding Counties

    Service Categories: Immigration Support, Health & Community, Housing & Economic Support, Youth & Family Support

    Website: https://www.rescue.org/united-states/spokane-wa

  • We are an organization that supports citizen participation, integration, community development, and empowerment of the Latino population in Spokane.

    Our Mission is to build capacity within Latino immigrant families and support the advancement of Latino community members, leaders, business-owners, and organizations in Spokane, to address the needs of the growing Latino population through inclusive community engagement, connections to local resources, and serve as catalyst for immigrant rights, social, racial, economic and environmental justice for a more equitable Spokane County.

    Counties Served: Eastern Washington, Spokane, Lincoln, Ferry, Stevens, Pend Oreille, Whitman, Adams and surrounding Counties

    Service Categories: Immigration Support, Health & Community, Housing & Economic Support, Youth & Family Support, Employment & Training Support

    Website: https://www.latinosenspokane.org

  • Manzanita House is addressing the dire shortage of immigration services and support, working tirelessly to provide accessible legal assistance for individuals and families.


    Immigrant Legal Aid
    Manzanita Immigrant Legal Aid (MILA) works with and for the immigrant community in Spokane to build stability and strength by providing low-cost, accessible legal services with a focus on family-based and humanitarian immigration.

    Family Empowerment
    Family Empowerment provides education, resources, referrals, and community-building opportunities for adults and youth to layer social support, connections, and resources.

    Community Engagement
    Community Engagement provides outreach and educational events, community celebrations, resource fairs, and volunteer programming.

    Counties Served: Spokane, Lincoln, Ferry, Stevens, Pend Oreille, Whitman, Adams and surrounding Counties

    Service Categories: Immigration Support, Health & Community, Youth & Family Support

    Website: https://www.manzanitahousespokane.org/

  • Mujeres in Action (MiA) is an organization that supports survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in a culturally responsive way. We provide a variety of services to support survivors, including counseling or advocacy, housing support, emergency shelter, among others.

    Counties Served: Spokane County

    Service Categories: Health & Community, Housing & Economic Support

    Website: https://www.miaspokane.org/en

  • The mission of Northwest Fair Housing Alliance (NWFHA) is to eliminate housing discrimination and to ensure equal housing opportunity for the people of Washington State through education, counseling and advocacy.

    Counties Served: Eastern and Central WA: Spokane, Whitman, Garfield, Columbia, Asotin, Walla Walla, Franklin, Benton, Yakima, Grant, Adams, Lincoln, Douglas, Ferry, Okanogan, Stevens and Pend Oreille

    Service Categories: Housing & Economic Support

    Website: https://nwfairhouse.org/

  • Nuestras Raíces is a community center that is committed to increase public awareness and pride in the depth and diversity of Hispanic / Latino culture through our 501c3 and our 501c6.


    Our community center promotes and serves the Hispanic/Latino interest through cultural, business outreach, social justice and wellbeing of our community.

    Counties Served: Spokane, Adams, and Grant Counties

    Service Categories: Health & Community, Housing & Economic Support, Youth & Family Support

    Website: https://www.hbpaofspokane.org/

  • Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (NWIRP) is a non-profit legal services office that provides legal representation and community education to low-income immigrants in Washington State.

    Counties Served: King, Yakima, Chelan, Pierce, Island, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Whatcom, Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Skamania, Thurston, Wahkiakum, Adams, Asotin, Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Garfield, Kittitas, Klickitat, Walla Walla, Whitman, Douglas, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Statewide - Washington

    Service Categories: Immigration Support, Youth & Family Support

    Website: https://www.nwirp.org/

  • Refugee and Immigrant Connections supports the whole-person health of anyone who identifies as a refugee or immigrant of all ages and backgrounds. Rooted in a trauma-informed approach, we draw on community strengths to bolster individuals' social-emotional health. We focus on community connection, a sense of belonging and purpose, and positive experiences. We envision a Spokane where every community member has access to the services, spaces, support and social connections necessary to thrive.

    Counties Served: Spokane, Lincoln, Ferry, Stevens, Pend Oreille, Whitman, Adams and surrounding Counties

    Service Categories: Immigration Support, Health & Community, Housing & Economic Support, Youth & Family Support, Employment & Training Support,

    Website: https://www.ricspokane.org/

  • We’re a private nonprofit corporation whose goal is to meet the basic social and economic needs of our rural community.

    Counties Served: Adams, Asotin, Ferry, Grant, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, and Whitman Counties

    Service Categories: Health & Community, Housing & Economic Support, Youth & Family Support, Employment & Training Support

    Website: https://ruralresources.org/contact/

  • The Native Project provides medical, dental, behavioral health, pharmacy, patient care coordination, wellness, and prevention services for both Natives and Non-Natives in the Spokane community.

    Counties Served: Spokane, Lincoln, Ferry, Stevens, Pend Oreille, Whitman, Adams and surrounding Counties

    Service Categories: Health & Community, Youth & Family Support

    Website: https://nativeproject.org/

  • Compassionate care for the whole family at any age and any income level — it starts with one visit and you can be seen for all your needs, from pregnancy to dental care, within the same network of care; over 40 clinics across Washington and Oregon.


    Women's Health: Obstetrics (OB), Prenatal Postpartum Care, Pharmacy: Mail Delivery Prescriptions, Walk-in Pharmacy,
    Health Insurance: Health Care Coverage Assistance
    Programs: Reach Out and Read, Chronic Disease Self-Management, Prescription Assistance, First Steps
    Primary Care: Primary Care Behavioral Health, Primary Care Nutrition, Family Medicine

    Counties Served: Spokane, Lincoln, Ferry, Stevens, Pend Oreille, Whitman, Adams and surrounding Counties

    Service Categories: Health & Community, Youth & Family Support

    Website: https://www.yvfwc.com/locations/unify-community-health-mission/

  • At World Relief, we assist newly arrived families in the United States. We’ve welcomed over 294,000 refugees to the United States in partnership with the U.S. Department of State, and have served over 125,000 other immigrants by providing vital services and community connections.

    Counties Served: Spokane County

    Service Categories: Immigration Support, Housing & Economic Support, Employment & Training Support, Youth & Family Support

    Website: http://www.worldreliefspokane.org/

Adams, Asotin, Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Garfield, Walla Walla, Columbia, and Whitman Counties

  • Best practice is not having client call, but rather to apply use their online form: Click here to access the form.

    Areas of law covered include: Housing, Family law Adult guardianship, Power of attorney, Restraining orders, Wills/estates, Bankruptcy, Probate

    If community member calls, they can leave a voicemail and BFLA will return calls (cannot promise a timeline)


    They are currently accepting legal immigration referrals. The community member will receive an intake and then they are referred out to a local pro-bono immigration attorney for a full intake and a free consultation. Representation is not likely, but they may get assistance with answering questions and support filing paperwork.

    Counties Served: Benton, Franklin, Regional - Washington

    Service Category: Immigration Support

    Website: http://www.bflegalaid.org

  • A Community Action Agency, BMAC collaborates with our partners to equitably deliver services and support to our neighbors experiencing poverty. Together, we strengthen and build stable and thriving communities.

    Services: Food Assistance, Asset Building and Financial Literacy, Employment and Training, Energy/Utility Program, Homeless Assistance, Literacy Tutoring for Adults, Long Term Care Ombudsman, Pro Bono Legal Aid, Veteran Services, Weatherization

    Counties Served: Walla Walla, Columbia, Garfield, Franklin, Asotin, Regional - Washington

    Service Category: Health & Community, Housing & Economic Support, Youth & Family Support, Employment & Training Support, Immigration Support

    Website: https://bmacww.org/

  • Our mission is to provide free immigration legal services to our low-income community members and to support pro-immigrant policy change at the local and state level to ensure that everyone, regardless of immigration status, has equal access to justice and power.

    Our goal is to support systems of strength, healing, and justice wherein we can all live a life free of the fear of systemic injustice, family separation, and deportation.


    Legal Support For: Naturalization, Asylum Case, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), Non-Detained Removal Defense

    Free immigration legal service for community members at or below 200% of the poverty level. There is only one attorney at this time, so there is a waiting list.

    209 E Birch Street, Walla Walla, WA. 99362

    Counties Served: Kittitas, Walla Walla, Benton, Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Klickitat, Okanogan, Yakima, Regional - Washington

    Service Category: Immigration Support

    Website: https://www.cwjfon.org/

  • Agency provides food, utility assistance, housing and other support services in Whitman County.

    Food banks are for all-https://www.cacwhitman.org/foodbank/

    Utility assistance https://www.cacwhitman.org/energy-heating/-is for a household that has at least one person who has legal status. For example, a family of two undocumented parents and two American citizen children can apply and be eligible. Housing funds are not available right now and there is a waiting list.

    Counties Served: Whitman, Regional - Washington

    Service Category: Housing & Economic Support, Youth & Family Support

    Website: https://www.cacwhitman.org

  • A chain of community help centers around the US, which help with hunger, poverty, etc. Open to all regardless of immigration status.

    Services: Apartment Rentals, Heating Bill Assistance, Food, Move Forward Out of Poverty.

    Counties Served: Asotin, Regional - Washington

    Service Category: Housing & Economic Support, Youth & Family Support

    Website: https://www.cap4action.org/

  • Grace Clinic is a non-profit free clinic offering the following services: Medical exams and treatment for both chronic and acute conditions Urgent dental care Mental health counseling Telehealth visits Prescription assistance program (for eligible patients) Food cupboard (only for current Grace Clinic patients) Community referrals Patients must meet three basic criteria: Reside in Benton or Franklin counties or Burbank Have income at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level

    Counties Served: Franklin, Benton, Regional - Washington

    Service Category: Health & Community

    Website: https://www.gracecliniconline.org/

  • Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (NWIRP) is a non-profit legal services office that provides legal representation and community education to low-income immigrants in Washington State.

    Counties Served: King, Yakima, Chelan, Pierce, Island, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Whatcom, Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Skamania, Thurston, Wahkiakum, Adams, Asotin, Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Garfield, Kittitas, Klickitat, Walla Walla, Whitman, Douglas, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Statewide - Washington

    Service Category: Immigration Support, Youth & Family Support

    Website: https://www.nwirp.org/

  • A family & legal defense fund and emergency financial assistance for basic necessities and immigration expenses when no other resources are available.

    Counties Served: Stevens, Lincoln, Grant, Spokane, Asotin, Garfield, Columbia, Regional - Washington

    Service Category: Immigration Support


  • Unidos Nueva Alianza (UNA) Foundation (formerly known as Latinos Unidos Grant County, LUGC) is a local grassroots non-profit, community-based organization. UNA Foundation serves nine counties that represent the Hispanic/Latinx, immigrant, refugee, agriculture/farm workers, men, women, LGBTQ+, low-income, disabled, systemically marginalized, and underserved communities.

    Services: Feeding Smiles in our Communities (Food Bank), Baby Steps (Diaper Bank), Utility Assistance (when available), Health Care Navigation Assistance, Digital Navigation, Notary Services

    Resources: Working Families Tax, Credit Application Assistance, Farmworkers & Workers' Right, Know Your Rights, Rapid Response, Immigration Legal Aid (Note: their legal aid is provided in collaboration with Central WA Legal Aid (CWLA)

    Counties Served: Grant, Adams, Chelan, Douglas, Yakima, Benton, Franklin, Regional - Washington

    Service Category: Health & Community, Youth & Family Support, Employment & Training Support, Immigration Support

    Website: http://www.unidosnuevaalianza.org/

  • Bilingual, English and Spanish Hotline that provides immigration, housing, and support for living expenses.

    Call or text the Hotline for support in regard to: Immigration-Related Legal Counsel. Rent or Mortgage Assistance, Food Aid, Medical or Behavioral Health, Recommendations for Spanish Speakers

    WWIRC is a highly diverse organization with members from different racial, ethnic, cultural, religious, socioeconomic, and professional backgrounds.

    Counties Served: Walla Walla, Regional - Washington

    Service Category: Immigration Support, Housing & Economic Support, Youth & Family Support, Health & Community 

    Website: https://www.wwirc.org/

Island, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, and Whatcom County Highlights

  • Community Action helps to connect eligible clients to a variety of resources and services.

    Counties Served: Skagit, Regional - Washington

    Service Categories: Youth & Family Support, Housing & Economic Support, Health & Community 

    Website: https://www.communityactionskagit.org

  • Familias Unidas, a program of Lutheran Community Services Northwest, is a family support center focusing on supporting the Latino community of Snohomish County.

    Counties Served: Snohomish, County - Washington

    Service Categories: Health & Community, Youth & Family Support, Housing & Economic Support, Health & Community, Employment & Training Support

    Website: https://lcsnw.org/program/community-resource-centers/

  • Welcome to the Joyce L. Sobel Family Resource Center (JLSFRC). As a grassroots, community-driven organization, our core belief is that our island’s greatest resource is you and your fellow islanders. Our doors are open to people of all backgrounds, ages, and abilities.

    Assistance: Housing, Utilities, Medical, Nutrition, Transportation, Behavioral Health

    Counties Served: Island, San Juan

    Service Categories: Health & Community, Housing & Economic Support

    Website: https://jlsfrc.org/contact-us/

  • Our mission is to facilitate the personal and financial success of Spanish-speaking and bilingual persons and inspire Latino youth to pursue their dreams and become leaders in their communities.

    LETI strives to support family success and wellbeing through education, cultural awareness, and social responsibility.

    Counties Served: Snohomish and surrounding Counties

    Service Categories: Housing & Economic Support, Youth & Family Support, Employment & Training Support

    Website: https://letiwa.org/

  • Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (NWIRP) is a non-profit legal services office that provides legal representation and community education to low-income immigrants in Washington State.

    Counties Served: King, Yakima, Chelan, Pierce, Island, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Whatcom, Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Skamania, Thurston, Wahkiakum, Adams, Asotin, Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Garfield, Kittitas, Klickitat, Walla Walla, Whitman, Douglas, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Statewide - Washington

    Service Categories: Immigration Support, Youth & Family Support

    Website: https://www.nwirp.org/

  • The Peace in the Home Helpline is a 24/7 hotline in 14 languages which connects survivors to an advocate who speaks their language with one call.

    Seattle Human Services Department, in partnership with a collaborative of community-based agencies operate this toll-free hotline for limited-English proficient (LEP) victims of domestic violence that provides single-line access to domestic violence services and information in 14 languages.

    When you call, you need to press 2 for Spanish or 1 for English. For languages other than Spanish, press English and from there, you are given the options of all languages.

    Counties Served: King, Whatcom, Pierce, Snohomish, Thurston, Skagit, Regional - Washington

    Service Categories: Youth & Family Support

    Website: https://tinyurl.com/243kfnbw

  • Sea Mar Community Health Centers is a community-based organization committed to providing quality, comprehensive health, human, housing, educational and cultural services to diverse communities, specializing in service to Latinos.

    Counties Served: Island, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Whatcom, and surrounding counties.

    Service Categories: Health & Community, Housing & Economic Support

    Website: https://www.seamar.org/seamar-clinics.html

Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Klicktitat, Kittitas Okanogan, & Yakima

  • CAFÉ is a non-profit organization that advances family and community growth through education. We serve our culturally diverse community providing opportunities in leadership, civic and social engagement, literacy development, and academic advancement.

    Counties Served: Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Yakima & Okanogan Counties

    Service Categories: Health & Community, Housing & Economic Support, Youth & Family Support

    Website: https://www.wenatcheecafe.org/

  • The Central Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce increases access to economic opportunities for business owners, entrepreneurs, and individuals in Central Washington by connecting and providing them with resources, representation, and opportunities to build community.

    Counties Served: Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Yakima & Okanogan Counties

    Service Categories: Health & Community, Housing & Economic

    Website: https://cwhcc.com/

  • We envision a thriving community where every person has fair and equitable access to justice. To bridge the justice gap by facilitating high-quality, equitable, and free civil legal services to people in Chelan and Douglas counties experiencing poverty.

    Our vision and mission are grounded in our belief that every person deserves justice. We are committed to continually reflecting on and adapting our services to equitably serve our constituents in an inclusive manner.

    Counties Served: Chelan, & Douglas

    Service Categories: Immigration Support,& Housing Economic Support.

    Website: https://cdcvas.org/

  • Comunidades Sin Fronteras Washington promotes holistic health, including media and linguistically or culturally specific communication campaigns for people living in rural areas. The organization serves migrants, indigenous, and people of color living in rural areas marginalized without transportation

    Counties Served: Grant

    Service Categories: Immigration Support, Health & Community, Housing & Economic Support

    Website: Locate Via Facebook- Comunidades sin Fronteras Washington

  • Our team, from the Board of Directors to volunteers, includes individuals with diverse backgrounds and skills. We all work together to assist clients, students, and the community. Our mission is to assist, motivate, and empower immigrants and their families to obtain U. S. citizenship

    Counties Served: Chelan, Douglas, Grant, & Okanogan Counties

    Service Categories: Immigrant services, Youth & Family Support

    Website: https://www.handinhandis.org/

  • The Indigenous Roots and Reparation Foundation (IRRF) is an Indigenous led nonprofit established in 2021 to preserve history, culture, traditions and language through education and advocacy. Goal: To provide a space on ancestral homelands for members of all tribes to practice cultural traditions, ceremony, and fellowship. This space will also serve as a hub for tribal members displaced by wildfire.

    Counties Served: Chelan County

    Service Categories: Health & Community, & Youth & Family Support

    Website: https://www.indigenousrrf.org/

  • Our mission is to provide free immigration legal services to our low-income community members and to support pro-immigrant policy change at the local and state level to ensure that everyone, regardless of immigration status, has equal access to justice and power.

    Our goal is to support systems of strength, healing, and justice wherein we can all live a life free of the fear of systemic injustice, family separation, and deportation.


    Counties Served: Central WA

    Service Categories: Immigration Support, Health & Community, Youth & Family Support

    Website: https://www.cwjfon.org/

  • The Latino Community Fund cultivates new leaders, supports cultural and community based non-profit organizations, and improves the quality of life for all Washingtonians. 

    To achieve its mission and address the needs of Latinos, LCF programs create a vibrant community through civic engagement, healthy families, arts and culture. 

    Counties Served: Central WA

    Service Categories: Health & Community, Housing & Economic Support, & youth and Family Support

    Website: https://www.latinocommunityfund.org/

  • Northwest Immigrant Rights Project promotes justice by defending and advancing the rights of immigrants through direct legal services, systemic advocacy, and community education. Northwest Immigrant Rights Project strives for justice and equity for all persons, regardless of where they were born.

    Counties Served: Chelan, Grant, Yakima, & King Counties

    Service Categories: Immigrant Support & youth and Family Support

    Website: https://www.nwirp.org/

  • NCW Equity Alliance champions education, advocacy and reconciliation through collaborative efforts. The NCW Equity Alliance supports diversity and inclusion initiatives across all layers of government, businesses, and nonprofit organizations in Chelan and Douglas counties.

    We envision a community that is inclusive, diverse and resilient; values people of all backgrounds and abilities; and provides a safe place to live, work and play.

    Counties Served: Chelan, Douglas, Grant, & Okanogan

    Service Categories: Health & Community, Employment & training Support

    Website: https://www.ncwequityalliance.org/

  • Nuestras Raíces is a community center that is committed to increase public awareness and pride in the depth and diversity of Hispanic / Latino culture through our 501c3 and our 501c6.

    Our community center promotes and serves the Hispanic/Latino interest through cultural, business outreach, social justice and wellbeing of our community.

    Counties Served: Spokane, Adams, and Grant Counties

    Service Categories: Health & Community, Housing & Economic Support, Youth & Family Support

    Website: https://www.hbpaofspokane.org/

  • Quiroga Law Office, PLLC represents clients throughout the Inland Northwest (WA, OR, ID, MT, MX) with offices in Spokane,Kennewick,Wenatchee, Querétaroand the greater Las Vegas, NVarea. Contact us for your immigration law

    Counties Served: Chelan, Spokane, & Benton Counties

    Service Categories: Immigration Support

    Website: Counties Served: Grant

    Service Categories: Immigration Support, Health & Community, Housing & Economic Support

    Website: https://www.quirogalawoffice.com/quiroga-law-office-contact-immigration-lawyer/

  • Unidos Nueva Alianza Foundation (UNA) was founded by 5 women of different ages and nationalities, with the same purpose of helping the immigrant community.  Their primary objective was to help immigrant/refugee and Latinx community members. Especially those of underrepresented and rural communities who are low-income. With time UNA has expanded from one county to nine to provide more services and resources to the communities they are part of, such as Hispanic/Latinx, immigrants, refugees, agriculture/farm workers, women & men, LGBTQ+, low-income, disabled, and systemically marginalized and underserved communities.

    Counties Served: Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Yakima & Okanogan Counties

    Service Categories: Health & Community, Housing & Economic Support, Youth & Family Support, Immigrant Support

    Website: https://www.unidosnuevaalianza.org/

  • Washington Gorge Action Programs (WAGAP) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Community Action Agency that helps individuals, families, and communities. WAGAP addresses basic human needs such as food, shelter, and energy assistance, and more, in Klickitat and Skamania Counties. For more than 50 years, WAGAP has helped people help themselves and reach self-sufficiency.

    Counties Served: Klickitat, Bingen & Skamania Counties

    Service Categories: Health & Community, Housing & Economic Support, Youth & Family Support

    Website: https://www.wagap.org/

Clallam, Grays Harbor, Kitsap, Jefferson, Pacific, and Wahkiakum County Highlights

  • Jefferson County Immigrant Rights Advocates (JCIRA) remains committed to building a supportive and safe community for immigrants to live and thrive.

    ​Our mission is to support the rights of immigrants and their families. We give priority to those who live or work on the Olympic Peninsula and to immigrant detainees in Washington state. Through our services, we:

    • Deliver access to free or low-cost legal aid.

    • Give small emergency cash grants for living expenses like rent, food, school fees and more.

    • Offer support to families and assistance finding resources.

    • Stand witness to demonstrate our commitment.

    • Provide community education.

    • Advocate for local, state, and national immigrant issues.

  • Kitsap Immigration Assistance Center: Recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of all people, KIAC works for the well-being and empowerment of immigrants through education, advocacy and social justice. KIAC’s Immigration Legal Services oversees eleven volunteer DOJ Accredited Representatives and several volunteer lawyers to provide immigration legal services to over 600 immigrants annually. These immigration legal matters include:
    • asylum cases,
    • green card applications & renewals,
    • naturalizations,
    • visas,
    • DACA filing and renewals,
    • work authorizations, and more!

  • Pacific County Immigrant Support: We have a list of immigration attorneys that we recommend and we help pay for, we help pay application fees for work permits, DACA, naturalization, and other fees; we pay for assistance with DACA and naturalization applications; we provide support for finding other resources for help. Accompaniment to courthouse, USCIS, Immigration Court If we do not answer the phone immediately, we return the call in less than 24 hours and we will interview them or have a person who will be better able to help them call them back.

    For community members or other community organizations who would like to inquire about a direct referral to this organization, please call the WAISN Deportation Defense Hotline @ 844-724-3737.

  • About Skagit Legal Aid:

    • Family Law - Dissolution of Marriage (Divorce), Parenting Plans, Child or Spousal Support;

    • Consumer Debt Issues - Medical Debt, Debt Collection, Small Claims, and Forfeitures; 

    • Advanced Planning Documents - Powers of Attorney, Healthcare Directives, Wills and Estates;

    • Post Conviction Support -  Waiving or Reducing Legal Financial Obligations (LFOs); Vacating Convictions; Driver’s License Reinstatements

    • Immigration - Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Renewals; Advanced Parole; U-Visas

    • Identification Document Support

    • General Civil (Non-Criminal) Legal Issues

  • The We Are Better Together Foundation (WABTF)is a forward-thinking nonprofit organization committed to advocating and promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Our foundation operates under the steadfast belief that our collective strength lies in our diversity. To this end, we've created five strategic initiatives, each addressing a different facet of DEI:

    • Children's Multilingual Empowerment Initiative (CMEI)

    • Inclusive Minds Initiative (IMI)

    • Socio-Economic Equality in Education Initiative (SEEEI)

    • Culturally Responsive Initiative (CRI)

    • Gender and Sexuality Understanding Initiative (GSUI)